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Our Engineer

Motherboard Engineers: Engineers Profiel Md Bilal Sohail Malik
He has more than 5 years experience in Laptop Repairiing. We utilize his excellence to serve our esteem customers.

Motherboard Engineers: Engineers Profiel Md Bilal Mohd. Khalid
He has good experience in the field of Laptop Repairing. His fast caching of Errors and rectifiying skill helps to complete our work fastly.


Motherboard Engineers: Engineers Profiel Md Bilal Mohd Bilal
Excillent Motherboard Specialist. Vast knowledge of Error Handling in all type of Motherboards. More than 5 years experiece in the repairing field.

Motherboard Engineers: Engineers Profiel Md Bilal Aas Mohammad
He has a vial role in our organization. Good nature and excellent knowledge of Electronics and Computers.